Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the severna park republican women!
Signed in as:
The Severna Park Republican Women's Club is engaged in a wide variety of activities on three levels: Club, Political and Community. Below you may review the explanations of each Committee to help you decide what best fits your interests and talents!
Greeting members at events and meetings. Arranging for refreshments at events (Summer picnic, Christmas party, Membership 101, etc.).
Informing members in a timely manner. Set a calendar for newsletter distributed during the year, contact members to submit articles, work with other officers/committee chairs, etc.
We need new members in order to grow the club and expand our influence. Ours has been a grassroots group of women who actively work to elicit change.
Facilitating club awards: Committee achievements, Armed service awards, Caring for America award, Membership awards, public relation, etc.
Review club bylaws & propose changes annually.
Our fundraising arm. Organizes our annual Fashion Show fundraiser. Always fun!
You may find the chairs of some of these committess on the Club Leadership page here: https://sprwc.org/club-leadership
Attend candidate seminars, present federation resources, help “get out the vote”; inform club members of national & current candidates, etc.
Keep up with General Assembly legislative bills; local AA
County bills, safeguarding elections thru Voter Integrity, school choice issues, etc.
Help the president arrange presentations, guest speakers, including special events.
This committee keeps track of volunteers' (work) hours in order to submit them for awards from the MFRW and the NFRW. Working towards these awards is an indication that our members are being effective in our mission.
Get word out via Facebook and update the website with current information.
You may find the chairs of some of these committess on the Club Leadership page here: https://sprwc.org/club-leadership
Inspire others to be passionate, patriotic Americans and to install a renewed spirit of patriotism in the souls of others. Exemplify love of country & flag. Organize special day trips, 4th of July parade, etc.
This is our philanthropic committee that works to provide for non-profits, food banks and other needs based organizations, be it with volunteers or donations.
Help the club secretary & members get word out through social media, phone calls and Letters to the Editor.
Facilitate donating books to local schools, hospitals, homeschool co-ops & other institutions or organizations; create a book club, etc. We annually participate in Read Across America in the first week of March (Dr. Seuss Day) by volunteering to read to students at a local elementary school.
We give a $1,000 scholarship to a local female high school senior to assist with college. The essay topic changes each year and a committee of volunteers read the essays and select the winner. We award the check at our annual Fashion Show fundraise in May.
You may find the chairs of some of these committess on the Club Leadership page here: https://sprwc.org/club-leadership
Severna Park Republican Women's Club
PO Box 1037, Severna Park, MD 21146, US